Russian Federation
Voronezh State University (Kafedra materialovedeniya i industrii nanosistem, associate professor)
Russian Federation
UDK 546.04 Химические свойства и константы
UDK 669 Металлургия. Металлы и сплавы
The synthesis of cobalt ferrite and magnesium ferrite was carried out by citrate combustion (Pechini method). Gorenje It has been established that these ferrites have photocatalytic properties in the reaction of oxidative degradation of 2,4-dinitrophenol. In addition to photocatalytic oxidation in solution in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, a fountain-like reaction with the formation of active radicals took place. The degree of destruction of the dye during the oxidation process for each of the ferrites is calculated.
Cobalt ferrite, magnesium ferrite, nanoparticles, heterogeneous photocatalysis, Fenton reaction
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2. Nanocrystalline ferrites with spinel structure for various functional applications / Tomina E.V., Sladkopevtsev B.V., Tien N.A., Mai Vo.Q. // Inorganic Materials. 2023. T. 59. № 13. S. 1363-1385.
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6. Tomina E. V. Sintez nanorazmernogo ferrita kobal'ta i ego kataliticheskie svoystva v fentonopodobnyh processah / E.V. Tomina, N.A. Kurkin, A.V. Doroshenko // Neorganicheskie materialy. – 2022. – T. 58, № 7. – S. 727-732.