Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the effect of alkaline collagen hydrolysate on biometric indicators of plant growth. Collagen, which contains a large number of amino acids, is of limited use due to its high molecular weight and low solubility in water, which makes it difficult for the plant to absorb it. However, the hydrolysis of the polymer makes it possible to obtain smaller polypeptides that can be used by plants. The study showed that plants treated with a fertilizer based on collagen hydrolysate have developed leaf plates in which photosynthesis is more active, which, in turn, affects the regeneration of adventitious roots. It has been experimentally established that a polypeptide of animal origin has a positive effect on the development of leaf plates and root formation as early as day 15. It is recommended to use 10% collagen with 1% NaOH solution in a 1:1 ratio to achieve optimal results.

collagen, hydrolysis, amino acids, fertilizer

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