Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The forest resources of our country are distinguished not only by timber reserves, but also by the diversity of tree species. The characteristics of each breed determine its scope of use. Scots pine is distinguished by a wide distribution area, a large share in the total volume of resources, but it is also a widely and diversely used species. For successful planning of the use of wood, it is necessary to know its properties, which will differ slightly for different regions. It is important to identify the patterns of changes in the properties of wood that determine its industrial importance depending on various factors. In this work, the changes in the percentage of late pine wood from the southern taiga zone were studied in order to identify its change in the age and width of the annual layer. This can facilitate ways to assess the quality characteristics of wood.
wood, Scots pine, annual layer, width of annual layer, percentage of late wood, growing conditions
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