Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The temperate climate zone is one of the most suitable places to create seed plantations due to its clear seasons and sufficient rainfall. The winter here is not too cold, with temperatures around -10 °C, and in summer the temperature reaches 18-22 °C. These conditions are ideal for the growth of woody plants and allow a variety of tree species to develop harmoniously. Common pine, common spruce, oak, birch and larch are among the most suitable for seed plantations in temperate climates. These trees are well adapted to temperature changes and can grow successfully even in difficult conditions. To create forest seed production facilities, it is advisable to use large-sized seedlings with a lump of soil. They provide a higher probability of successful rooting and rapid growth of trees. Large-sized seedlings with a lump of soil have many advantages. They tolerate transplanting more easily, as their roots are protected from damage, which contributes to a better living. In addition, the use of such seedlings can improve the quality of future trees, as they are grown from high-quality seeds. This technology makes pine, spruce, oak, birch and larch a rational choice for creating seed plantations in the temperate climate of our country.

forest seed plantations; sustainable management of forest resources; large-scale planting material; closed root system (GCS)

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