Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
The purpose of this work is the introduction results assessment of the European linden (Tilia x europaea) ‘Pallida’ planted in the Ramon village of the Voronezh region and Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, which were previously grown in nurseries in Belgium and Germany and in adulthood (8-12years old) transplanted to the conditions of a more severe climate in these areas. The plantings were assessed visually during route surveys based on the condition of the crown and leaf damage. The observations were carried out in September 2023 and September 2024. According to the results of the survey and the condition index calculation, developed by V.A. Alekseev, it was found that the plantations located in the village of Ramon, Voronezh region, are classified as "Healthy", the plantations located in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, are classified as "Healthy with signs of weakening". According to the assessment of the introduction success in accordance with the Lapin P.I. methodology, the European linden (Tilia x europaea) ‘Pallida’ is classified as agroup of quite promising introducers. At the stage of analyzing the morphometric indicators of seeds, specimens planted in the Ramon village of the Voronezh region show the best indicators close to the value of a similar species in the zone of natural growth. At the same time, the indicators of specimens growing in Stary Oskol, Belgorod region, are significantly lower.
introduction; vital condition of plantings, integral assessment, morphometric indicators
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