Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The pot-in-pot method allows for the creation of optimal conditions for the development of the root system, protecting it from external climatic fluctuations, ensuring stable moisture retention and promoting better access to nutrients. All this ensures a higher level of rooting and plant health, which is especially important for Scots pine, given its sensitivity to transplantation. The article presents research results confirming the benefits of using this technology, including reduced transplant stress, improved plant growth and development, and reduced cultivation losses. Pest and disease management aspects are also discussed, making this technology particularly attractive to foresters and horticulturists. In conclusion, the container-in-container technology with a closed root system is an effective solution for improving the quality of Scots pine planting material and the resistance of plants to adverse conditions. Further research and practical application of this method can significantly contribute to the improvement of forestry and landscape gardening.

container growing technology, pot-in-pot, closed root system, Scots pine, air pot, nursery, climatic conditions

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