Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Furniture design in the modern world is changing significantly, which is often associated with the introduction of innovative technologies and materials. One of these materials is flexible plywood, which allows you to create complex shapes and bends and opens up wide opportunities for interior design and furniture production. In this article, we will look at a unique innovative material for creating amazing shapes, curves and design designs.

interior design, furniture, flexible plywood, ceiba, curling, construction, shape, innovative material

1. Gibkaya fanera. – URL: https://uralfancom.ru/shop/katalog/gibkaia-fanera/.

2. Gibkaya fanera: harakteristiki i osobennosti montazha. – URL: https://nastroike.com/stroitelnye-materialy/.

3. Gibkaya fanera. – URL: https://www.lesonline.ru/news/id/.

4. Gibkaya fanera. – URL: http://www.faneramm.ru/gibkaya-fanera.html.

5. Gibkaya fanera, gnuschayasya Seyba 3-4 mm i drugie vidy oblegchennoy fanery, sverhlegkie varianty dlya mebeli. – URL: https://spacewind.su/gibkaya-fanera-gnuschayasya-seyba-3-4-mm-i-drugie-vidy-oblegchennoy-fanery-sverhlegkie-varianty-dlya-mebeli/

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