Russian Federation
from 01.01.2010 until now Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article presents the results of a study of the effect of the pH of the solutionand the mass of the sorbenton the efficiency of adsorption of copper ions by magnesium and zinc ferrites. It was found that the optimal pH value for the sorption of copperions is 3.0, and when the pH drops below 3.0, sorption decreases significantly due to the competition of H+ and Cu2+ ions for active centers on the surface of the sorbent. When the pH rises above 5.3, precipitation of copper hydroxide occurs, which makes it difficult to study sorption in this pH range. The degree of purification of water from copper ions increases with an increase in the mass of the sorbent, which indicates the importance of this factor in choosing optimal sorption conditions. It is recommended to increase the amount of magnesium ferrite taken per unit volume of the solution, or dilute the initial solution several times if zinc ferrite is used to achieve maximum extraction of copper ions. The results obtained can be used to develop more effective methods of water purification from copper ions using magnesium and zinc ferrites.
sorbents, magnesium ferrite, zinc ferrite, heavy metals, copper ions, sorption, water treatment, waste water, pH of the solution, sorbent mass, environment protection
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