Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 528 Геодезия. Топографо-геодезические работы. Аэрокосмическая съемка и фотограмметрия. Дистанционное зондирование. Картография
The principles of changing the requirements for the accuracy of geodetic works in all processes of the life cycle of a highway are considered. It is shown that the issues of standardizing the accuracy of geodetic works in construction are problematic, requiring a comprehensive analysis from both a technical and an economic point of view, and the tasks of scientific substantiation of tolerances for geodetic works must be solved comprehensively, since this area of research is at the junction of a number of scientific disciplines The models of the system of systems for ensuring accuracy corresponding to different qualitative states of the supersystem are proposed. VADS, its subsystems and elements, taking into account the design features of reconstructed highways, the specifics of construction technology, traffic conditions, the need to determine the parameters of the existing road and its most complete use.
highway, geodetic works, reconstruction, geometric parameters, accuracy system
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