Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article discusses the process of gluing wood, the influence of moisture that is part of various adhesives used in the bonding of shields. The aim of the study is to establish the influence of the quality of preparation of the glued surfaces and determine the optimal exposure time before subsequent machining. The nature of moisture distribution in the wood gluing zone has been experimentally determined and the recovery time of the original dimensions of the wood due to its swelling before machining has been established.
furniture board, oak wood, glue, bonding, wood moisture content
1. Spravochnik mebel'schika. Konstrukcii i funkcional'nye razmery. Materialy. Tehnologiya proizvodstva / V.E. Kuznecov, B.I. Artamonov, V.F. Savchenko, V.N. Rozov ; pod red. V.P. Buhtiyarova. – 2-e izd., pererab. – Moskva : Lesn. prom-st', 1985. – 360 s.