Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of this work is a comparative analysis of the successional stage of the ecosystems of the Voronezh upland oak grove and Morozova Gora Locality of the «Galichya Gora» Nature Reserve. Quantitative indicators of population strategies of tree layer species was determined using the point assessment method. Despite the fact that the studied communities have similar dominants, the key factor was the ratio of species, which determined the prevailing strategy. It was found that the values of population strategies are characterized by wide amplitude of values, especially for the stress tolerance strategy. With relatively high values of competitiveness in all the studied sample plots, a decrease in the stress tolerance score is compensated by an increase in reactivity indicators. Despite the external «inertness» and «stability» of the oak grove composition, conditions for a gradual change of edificators can develop in these types of plant communities. Thus, the degradation of the oak population on the greater part of the territory of the Voronezh mountain oak grove leads to the formation of conditions for the implementation of competitiveness traits in Acer platanoides and Tilea cordata populations. The coppice oak forest of the Galichya Gora Reserve is being restored after the fire and conditions for the implementation of the reactivity strategy have been created on the affected areas.

population strategies; oak forest; recovery; succession.

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