Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
For centuries manor parks have been a kind of experimental stations for botanical experiments. It was there that active attempts were made to adapt species that were not typical for local habitats. Gradually, this has led to the fact that the introduced species have become almost dominant in some of them. And nowadays, some of the successfully introduced plants have become widespread outside the parks. In this connection, the study of the species composition of introduced plants is of increasing relevance. The aim of the study was to identify the peculiarities of the species composition of wood-shrub introducers in old manor parks of the Voronezh region. Objectives of the study: 1) to describe the species structure of introduced species in the study area 2) to analyze the peculiarities of the species structure of introduced species in comparison with indigenophytes. The work is based on the results of own observations within 59 estate complexes of Voronezh region. The flora inventory showed that the share of introduced species prevails in the structure of tree and shrub plantations (58.7%). At the same time, the species composition of indigenophytes is represented mainly by Eurasian (59.4%) and European elements (31.3%), while American (39.5%) and Asian (20.9%) elements prevail among the introduced species.

ancient parks, manor complexes, introducers, tree and shrub vegetation, species composition

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