Russian Federation
UDK 502.33 Взаимосвязь между экономическим развитием и природными условиями
The topic of ecosystem services of urban green spaces is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of the rapid growth of urbanization and environmental challenges faced by modern cities. The increase in population density and the expansion of urban areas create a great burden on natural resources, worsening the environmental situation in cities. Urban forests, being an essential part of the ecological infrastructure, provide a number of ecosystem services that contribute to improving the quality of life, reducing air pollution, regulating the microclimate, maintaining biodiversity and creating recreational areas for citizens. The article analyzes modern research on ecosystem services of urban forests and their impact on sustainable urban development. Quantitative and qualitative methods were used for the analysis, including GIS analysis to assess the distribution of green spaces. The results show that Urban forests have a significant impact on temperature reduction, air filtration and the provision of recreation areas, but the need for these services exceeds their current supply. The need to strengthen measures to protect and increase the area of green areas to meet the growing demand has been identified. Sustainable management of urban forests and the integration of ecosystem services into urban planning policies will help improve the quality of life of the population and reduce the negative effects of urbanization.
ecosystem services; urban forests; urbanization
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