Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Ecosystem services of urban forests play a key role in maintaining urban sustainability, improving the quality of life and reducing the negative effects of urbanization. With the rapid growth of the population and the expansion of urban areas, the demand for ecosystem services is increasing, such as improving air quality, temperature regulation, environmental mitigation and the creation of recreational areas. However, the supply of these services is limited by the availability and condition of urban forests, which necessitates a deeper analysis of the balance of supply and demand, especially in the context of sustainable urban planning and development. The article discusses modern methods of assessing ecosystem services and the imbalance between supply and demand. Green space management measures are also proposed to improve their contribution to sustainable urban development. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the factors influencing the supply and demand of ecosystem services in urban forests. A comparative analysis of scientific publications, the study of statistical data and the use of spatial analysis tools to assess green spaces in cities has shown that in most large cities there is a shortage of ecosystem services associated with a shortage of forest areas. This imbalance requires urgent intervention at the level of planning and management of urban ecosystems. The implementation of sustainable strategies for the conservation and expansion of urban forests can significantly improve the supply of ecosystem services and mitigate the effects of urbanization.

ecosystem services; supply and demand; urban forests; urbanization; sustainable development

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