Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article is devoted to the primary description of the concept of risk analysis in the implementation of forest climate projects, which is an integral part of the investment analysis of project alternatives for nature-based solutions. In the course of the article, the author summarizes the basic concepts of risk management, their impact on economic results, the process and interests of stakeholders in the implementation of forest climate projects; identifies the main categories of risks characteristic of the implementation of forest climate projects; identifies the main factors of natural and climatic risks associated with the deforestation; determines the need for an individual approach to the risk analysis of a forest climatic project. Based on the analyzed materials, the first iteration presents the concept of risk analysis, which includes a number of stages, including identification, risk assessment, as well as the stage of selecting risk management measures involving the use of various risk analysis tools.

risk analysis; forest climate projects; forestry economics; climate change in forests; investment projects

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