Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The current environment, in which many climate changes are taking place, requires a transition to new sustainable economic models. This article focuses on the concept of «green economy», considered as an effective tool in the fight against climate change. The article discusses the main strategies and perspectives that can help to achieve sustainable development and reduce the negative impact of climate change. The article also analyses the key components of a green economy, including the transition to renewable energy sources, the introduction of energy efficient technologies, sustainable resource management and cleaner production. Particular attention is paid to the role of investment in green projects and innovations that can help combat climate change. The article discusses successful examples of green economy strategies that have shown a positive impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, creating new jobs and improving the quality of life of the population. It discusses the challenges and barriers that a government or company may face on the way to implementing green initiatives. This article contains recommendations for government agencies, businesses and civil society alike, aimed at incorporating green economy principles into a strategy to combat climate change.

climate change; green economy; sustainable development

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