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Abstract (English):
The Russian Federation is the richest forest power in the world, however, it is significantly inferior to a number of countries in the production of wood products. The development of the timber industry complex (LPC) is currently of particular importance, since it can make a great contribution to the country’s economy and, accordingly, affect a significant increase in the volume of Russia’s gross domestic product. In addition, the Russian LPC has significant potential and provides its products to almost all the leading sectors of the national economy. That is why the authors of the article pay attention to the strategy for the development of the LPC until 2030. In addition, the authors analyze the current state of the Russian timber industry, the impact on the industry of the current economic situation, the main economic results of the forest sector enterprises for the period from 2016 to 2020. The expectations of market participants and the prospects for the development of the industry are considered. The analysis of measures of support from the state is carried out. The main problems of the industry development are outlined.

timber industry, competitiveness, products, cost, processing, raw materials
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