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Abstract (English):
A high dependence on imports is observed in the segment of forest machine- building products. The volume of production of logging machines and woodworking equipment remains insufficient – both in terms of the number of manufactured equipment and its consumer properties. The main problem of domestic mechanical engineering remains low competitiveness in relation to products manufactured by leading foreign companies. The lack of competitiveness of the domestic forest machine building is largely due to the lack of funds for the technical and technological renewal of production at the majority of enterprises. Sectoral research institutes, previously engaged in the development of technologies and equipment for timber industry enterprises and companies, have practically ceased their scientific and design activities. In these conditions, the innovative development of the timber industry complex is mainly carried out on the basis of the acquisition of imported equipment. The share of imported machinery and equipment of domestic production is more than 90 percent. The solution to this problem requires serious systemic measures in the implementation of technical policy in the forestry sector of the country’s economy. The strategy for the development of the forestry complex until 2030 provides for the creation of at least 3 research consortia – innovative and technical centers corresponding to the world level, on the basis of which the coordination of scientific research, the creation of technologies and equipment for logging, woodworking and the production of pulp and paper products. The article formulates a number of proposals on measures of state support for the domestic forest machine building.

logging equipment, woodworking equipment, technical policy
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