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Abstract (English):
The reproduction of forests is long-term. A complex and multifaceted silvicultural and technological process taking place in the conditions of disordered economic human activity and global warming. Reproduction of oak forests in the Central Black Earth Region, which are the cradle of Russian ship oak forests, has a regional specificity, which consists in the fact that in most forestries it is carried out mainly through artificial reforestation and sometimes combined. The reason is the complete absence of natural seed regeneration of oak under the canopy of mature and over-mature stands entering clear and selective sanitary felling.Even in narrow-cut and clear- cut areas, including those cultivated in accordance with the current requirements of the “Regulations for reforestation”, there is an intensive change of the main forest-forming species (pedunculate oak, common ash and Norway maple) to accompanying and less valuable (aspen, willow, birch , linden, hazel, etc.).On the basis of generalization of the long-term experience of the forestries of the region, logistics and silvicultural principles of sustainable-expanded, program- targeted and effective reproduction of oak forests are proposed and scientifically substantiated, without strict adherence to which, in practice, it is impossible to grow new durable high-quality, sustainable and highly productive oak forests with given target taxation characteristics. A step-by- step algorithm of sustainably expanded reproduction of oak forests of the future is considered. Prospects, ways and methods of high-quality and sustainably expanded reproduction of oak forests in the forestries of the Central Chernozem region have been determined.The prospects, ways and methods of high-quality and sustainably expanded reproduction of oak forests in the forestries of the Central Chernozem region have been determined. Controlled natural seed and artificial methods with the obligatory timely and high-quality agrotechnical and silvicultural maintenance, preventing the drowning of the pedunculate oak by other, faster-growing species, should become priority.

Central Black Earth Region, pedunculate oak, forest reproduction, silvicultural principles and principles, logistics, step-by-step algorithm
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