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Abstract (English):
The volumes of relatively inexpensive ship transportation of wood raw materials can be significantly increased by more actively using middle rivers for these purposes. However, the existing technologies for loading timber onto ships do not allow this. To solve the problem, the design of a mobile small-sized pier and the corresponding technologies for transshipment of timber cargo using logging equipment have been proposed. The design of a mobile berth involves the substantiation of its geometric parameters. In this regard, using the graphic-analytical method, recommendations are given, and empirical dependences are proposed for calculating the calculated values of the ship’s draft, the width and length of the loader, on which the indicated parameters of the mobile pier depend. The recommended value of the angle between the lower and upper surfaces of the berth α, as well as between the aft surface and the vertical B. A general algorithm for calculating the geometric parameters of a mobile pier is proposed. Using this algorithm, for example, the geometric parameters of the berth designed for loading timber onto barges on the middle rivers of the North Dvina basin during the flood period were determined. The pier height is 2.8 m, the length is 9.0 m, the width is 5.0 m, the height in the bow is 0.42 m, the length of the coastal ramp is 1.46 m, angles α=16gr, B =15gr.

round timber, ship transportation, loading, mobile small-sized pier
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