Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The modern market offers mainly furniture made from traditional materials: chipboard and fiberboard, faced with synthetic materials (films, plastics). However, despite the huge variety of synthetic materials, they cannot convey the original texture, color of natural wood. Furniture made of natural wood and furniture made of panel materials, faced with sliced veneer, are classified as premium furniture due to the high cost and shortage of valuable wood species. To reduce the cost of production, it is proposed to use thin sliced and peeled veneer with a thickness of 0.4 mm. The problem is that the most common veneering defect is glue leakage, which depends on many factors, as well as the lack of clear recommendations for the choice of veneering modes. In this regard, the problem of developing a mode for veneering chipboards with thin sliced veneer of mahogany wood is relevant and requires research. The paper identifies variable factors and factors that remained constant during research. The conditions for conducting experimental studies are also given. To develop a methodology for conducting experimental studies, the method of uniform- rotatable planning of a second-order experiment was used.
planed veneer, mode, variable factor, experimental research conditions
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