Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article describes a comparison of the standard method of designing logging roads and public roads using drawings and sheets on paper with the design of logging roads and public roads using information modeling technology. The results achieved (interaction structures, formation of information models, organization of collective work, etc.) in the development of the following “pilot” objects are also described: plans for the development of the section of the R-258 Baikal highway under the jurisdiction of the FKU Uprdor “Southern Baikal” in the central ecological zone of the Baikal Natural Territory; major repairs of protective road structures on the R- 258 “Baikal” highway Irkutsk-Ulan-Ude-Chita at km 157+500, Irkutsk region; major repairs of the M-5 Ural highway Moscow-Ryazan-Penza-Samara-Ufa-Chelyabinsk, access to Yekaterinburg on the section km 79+899-km 121+509.

road, shared data environment, project information model, information modeling technology
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