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Abstract (English):
Activated carbon can be obtained in a variety of ways. The most promising in terms of resource conservation and economic benefits is the method of producing activated carbon from wood waste. The production of activated carbon by this method is based on the process of pyrolysis of wood waste. As a result of thermochemical processing, charcoal and pyrolysis gas are formed. Then the charcoal must undergo a high-temperature activation process, during which micropores are formed in the coal and it significantly increases its adsorption properties. The hardware design of these processes is a set of complex design and technological solutions. When designing the installation, it is necessary to carry out calculations designed to optimize the equipment and operating parameters of the processes of thermal decomposition and activation of coal, which make it possible to obtain a high-quality product. The paper describes a plant for processing wood waste into activated carbon. The processes occurring in each zone of the installation, as well as the principle of their operation, are considered in detail.

wood waste, waste processing, activated carbon
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