Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Currently, environmental friendliness is one of the main requirements for products of any kind all over the world. The use of wood as a building material fully meets this requirement. Every year the share of wooden housing construction increases, and not only in the segment of low-rise, but also multi-storey wooden houses and structures. When working with a tree, it is necessary to take into account its features and disadvantages. When the humidity changes, the wood changes its size, is affected by fungi and insects, and has a high fire hazard class. In order to improve the performance properties of wood, its modification is widely used, through the use of various processing methods: drying, heat treatment, impregnation with various compositions, gluing. Recently, a large number of innovative construction materials based on wood bonding have appeared on the market: LVL-beams, CLT-panels, glued beams, wooden I-beams. The use of these materials from glued wood in construction allows the use of renewable, eco-friendly raw materials. And despite the higher cost of these materials compared to traditional building materials, they are competitive in their properties: light weight, less load on the foundation, are not subject to corrosion, are easily installed even in areas with difficult engineering and geological conditions, when exposed to fire, they retain their structural strength longer, are easily transported and disposed of.
wood, gluing, construction, properties, field of application
1. Informacionno-analiticheskiy zhurnal [Elektronnyy resurs]. Rezhim dostupa: https://lesprominform.ru/. - Zagl. s ekrana. (data obrascheniya: 21.05.2021)
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