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Abstract (English):
For a deep understanding of special terminology, it is not enough to find Russian correspondences of terms in the English-Russian dictionary. It is important not only to know what a particular term is called in Russian, but also to understand why it is called that. And for this you need to know what its constituent components are. If you know, for example, the meaning of a suffix or a prefix, then the meaning of not only this term, but also a number of other terms ending with the same suffix or beginning with the same prefix, becomes clearer. The question of the origin of technical or scientific terms is of great importance in the process of teaching a foreign language. Knowing the meaning of morpheme terms in source languages provides a clue to understanding modern terminology, because the languages of ancient Greece and Rome form the basis of Western languages. To explore the structure of a term, it is important to remember the difference between root and stem. The root is the common origin of all words of the same family, and the stem is the direct origin of a part of words, i.e. one branch of a given word family. The root is shorter and less complex than the stem; the root is primary, the base is secondary. The meaning of the roots of the English language should be studied in ancient Greek and Latin, from where a significant part of the components of the structure of English technical terminology is borrowed. The etymological understanding of the peculiarities of the terminological structure is intended to make it easier and more interesting for students to read and translate special texts.

language, etymology, system, term, symbol, derivation, analysis, teaching
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