Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article presents aspects of decoration of wood-shrub arboretum species of VSUFT. The relative limitations of floristic composition in parks and squares indicate the need for enrichment by representatives of the Rosaceae Juss family. The task of the study was to select species that are more decorative and adaptable to the extreme conditions of the modern environment. It is possible to increase species diversity in various ways, including through landscaping. For this, various techniques and combinations of forms and paints of vegetation are used, since the enrichment and renewal of the assortment of decorative rocks is very important. Shrub-tree species of the Rosaceae Juss family. are the most promising breeds in Voronezh and the Voronezh region as a whole.

trees, shrubs, ornamental, fast-growing, promising, landscaping, condition, Rosaceae Juss.
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