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Abstract (English):
The formation of artificial linear plantations with the participation of pedunculate oak is predetermined by agrotechnical and silvicultural methods of cultivation. Its share among the used other breeds is about 25%. At the age of 33, with the placement of planting places 5.0 x 3.0 m, the pedunculate oak has a high preservation (by 33.9%) in a three-row plantation, in relation to crops from four rows. The protective height in a narrower artificial linear plantation is 10.2 m, which is 1.24 times higher with a width of 20.0 m. In mixed oak-ash crops at the age of 45 years, the best growth and preservation of pedunculate oak is noted in relation to oak plantations pure in composition. For birch-oak crops, the influence of a fast-growing breed is characteristic. At the age of 54, the safety of pedunculate oak is 23.1%, the wind protection height is 19.1 m. Differences in the growth of species are one class of bonitet. In the central rows of pedunculate oak at the age of 30-49 years, the average height has a greater value and a smaller diameter in relation to the indicators of the edging rows (by 7.5-19.9%). A convex transverse profile of the plantation is formed, which is predetermined by the physiological characteristics of the development of the tree species.

petiolate oak, tree species, growth, formation, bonitet
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