Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper substantiates the relevance of using a mix of shrubs and resistant perennials, in particular, cereals and drought-resistant ground cover plants in modern urban flower decoration. An analysis was made of the modern floral decoration of urban social facilities in Voronezh and a search for the current assortment of perennials for mixborders and container compositions. When selecting the assortment, the authors were guided by the ecological requirements of plants and the main purpose of flower beds - to create color dominants of landscape compositions. Particular attention in the work is paid to container gardening. Some of the compositions have already been tested in practice last season on the example of the campus of the Voronezh State Forestry University named after G.F. Morozov. After a year, some adjustments were made to the range of plants. There is an opportunity to extend this experience to other social facilities of the city.

flower decoration, container gardening, assortment of plants, resistant perennials, warm-season grains, cold-season grains, stably decorative perennials
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