from 01.01.2013 to 01.01.2019 Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The results of the landscape-ecological assessment of the park territory of cultural house 50-years of October in Voronezh are presented. This work allows you to determine the state of the object for its further use. This facility is located in the South-West district of the city and is used for recreation of the local population. The indicators of landscape-ecological assessment were determined: type of landscape, type of spatial structure, sanitary-hygienic assessment, aesthetic assessment, stage of digression. The results of the research showed that the site is in a relatively good sanitary condition, the indicator of aesthetic assessment is at a fairly high level. We also studied the plant species, which grow on the object and their condition. The assortment available in the park is represented by the list of woody plants: Robinia pseudoacacia, Betula pendula, Ulmus pumila, Acer platanoides, Tilia cordata, Populus alba, Populus pyramidalis, Sorbus aucuparia.All woody plants in the park is in good and satisfactory condition. Based on the results of the assessment of the territory, it is possible to outline design measures that will improve the sanitary, hygienic and aesthetic conditions at the facility. There is a need to design small forms of architecture (benches, urns), organize additional planting of trees, pick up flowering shrubs and create flower beds to enhance the attractiveness of the object.
landscape and ecological assessment, park areas, aesthetic assessment, sanitary and hygienic assessment, recreational digression
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