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Abstract (English):
The sanitary and hygienic condition of tree stands exposed to increased anthropogenic load, namely, the impact of industrial chemical pollution in the urban environment, is evaluated. The difference in the forest pathological state of trees is explained by their age, proximity to emission sources, highways, residential buildings, as well as different degrees of resistance to chemical pollutants in urban areas. The main types exposed to industrial emissions affecting the condition of tree stands are identified, with subsequent distribution by condition categories. Five reference points are proposed for studying the effects of chemical air pollution on plant biota. The characteristic species composition of woody vegetation growing on the territory of the selected objects under study was determined, and the percentage of their occurrence was calculated. At the test sites located near the sources of emissions, a high percentage of individuals affected by spot or spot necrosis and having pathological signs of the trunk, water shoots, shrunken skeletal branches and tops were noted, in contrast to the plantings located in the so-called zone of moderate pollution and at the control point at the maximum distance from the sources of emissions. Individuals promising in monitoring of atmospheric air pollution have been identified.

anthropogenic load, indicators of chemical pollution, forest pathologic sanitary condition of trees
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