Russian Federation
Ornamental shrubs are one of the elements of the formation of the park environment and an integral part of urban landscaping. The paper presents the results of studying the species diversity of shrubs in park plantations in the city of Voronezh. The range includes more than 30 species, decorative forms and varieties of plants. Deciduous species are predominant, while coniferous species account for not much more than 10 %. Deciduous shrubs growing in the parks of the city of Voronezh belong to 14 families. Among them, there are beautiful flowering and decorative deciduous species, as well as plants with attractive fruits. Coniferous species belong to two families-pine and cypress. The cypress family is characterized by the greatest species (form, variety) diversity. The most popular types and varieties of coniferous trees are Western thuja "Smaragd", Western thuja "Danika", Cossack juniper, Cossack juniper"Tamariscifolia". The main types of shrub plantings in park stands are hedges and row plantings. The most common hedges are made of brilliant dogwood and Wanguttaspirea. Less often, groups and tapeworms are used in park plantings. The analysis of the geographical origin of shrubs showed that the largest number of species are introduced − their participation is more than 90%, the share of local species is less than 10%.
park spaces, shrubs, introducers, types of landings
1. Plantarium. Opredelitel' rasteniy on-line // Otkrytyy atlas sosudistyh rasteniy Rossii i sopredel'nyh stran. URL:
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