Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper presents the results of studies on the extraction of phenolic compounds from the leaves of trees of the Salicaceae family, namely aspen and willow. A method for extracting phenolic compounds of salicin and quercetin by extraction using ethyl alcohol as a solvent is described. The method of identification of salicin and quercetin by thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is described. Digital processing of the obtained results was carried out using the computer program “Sorbfil Visualizer” (Krasnodar). The optimal operating parameters of the process, allowing to obtain the highest yield of the desired substances, are determined. The maximum yield of quercetin in the amount of 1.4% a. s. v. was obtained from aspen leaves, and was achieved at the following extraction parameters: the concentration of the ethyl alcohol solution (extractant) – 60%, the extraction duration-30 min, the temperature of the extractant-50°C. The maximum yield of salicin from aspen leaves is 0.26% a. s. v. and is achieved at.

phenolic compounds, extraction, aspen, willow
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