Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To study the assessment of the state of forest ecosystems on the level of biodiversity of mosses and vascular plants in the Voronezh upland oak grove, a transect from the watershed to the reservoir was laid. The influence of geomorphological factors on the spore component – mossy and vascular plants-is considered. Taxonomic, ecological-biological, and geographical analyses of the flora were carried out. Geobotanical survey methods were used to assess the state of phytocenoses. The regularities in the ecotopic distribution of plants are revealed, taking into account the score and the projective coverage, and the parameters for assessing the biodiversity of ecosystems are proposed and used in research. Mosses and vascular plants manifest themselves differently in different phytocenoses, often without reflecting the features of landscape and ecological conditions. But, as the results showed, the majority of plant species (from 55.9% and above) belong to mesophytes. As a result, low indicators of species richness, species density, and generic.

ecosystem, biodiversity, methods of assessment, methods and methodology of research
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