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Abstract (English):
Air pollution is the most serious environmental problem facing most industrial cities in the world and in China. The World Health Organization measured the concentration of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and total suspended particulate matter in 272 cities in 53 countries around the world, listing the ten most severely polluted cities in the world. The spatial and temporal distribu-tion of air pollutants depends on various factors such as the meteorological field, the source of emissions, the complex bottom surface of the site, the interplay of physical and chemical processes, and has strong non-linear characteristics [5]. Air quality forecasting is commonly used in the field of statistical forecasting methods, according to long-term monitoring data, the creation of a statisti-cal forecasting model, the model is simple, easy to operate business, but no solid physical founda-tion, and another numerical forecasting model based on atmospheric physics and material transfer model although the physical foundation is solid, comprehensive forecast results, but the forecast results are not reliable. Already in the 1950s, the system of meteorology of air pollution was gradu-ally formed, the box model, the Gaussian model, the Lagrange model, the Euler model, the dense gas model and other five types of models appeared. The first Gaussian model allows one to obtain a diffusion model of a local small-scale space and make predictions, then, based on the Gaussian model of the study, a modified model is obtained for other reliefs and weather conditions. There-fore, the modeling accuracy and applicable conditions are difficult to cope with the needs of large-scale complex meteorological conditions of air quality models.

ecology, pollutants, models, pollution index, environment
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