Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
The advantages of timber road transport over other types of timber transport used by logging enterprises for hauling timber are described. An urgent scientific task aimed at improving the designs of their coupling devices was determined on the basis of the identified drawback inherent in a timber-carrying road train when driving on an insufficiently equipped timber road. The perspective recuperative coupling devices developed earlier by the authors are considered, their advantages and general principle of operation are described. The tasks for the practical implementation of the proposed designs of recuperative coupling devices are formulated.
recuperative coupling, timber road train, timber road, efficiency, working fluid energy, timber haulage, fuel consumption, energy saving
1. Nikonov, V. O. Sovremennoe sostoyanie, problemy i puti povysheniya effektivnosti lesovoznogo avtomobil'nogo transporta / V. O. Nikonov ; M-vo obrazovaniya i nauki RF, FGBOU VO «VGLTU». - Voronezh, 2021. - 202 s.
2. V O Nikonov, V I Posmetev and V V Posmetev The results of simulation modeling of the operation of the regenerative fifth wheel hitch of a timber trailer // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 656 (2019) 012039, - Pp. 1-8. doi :https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899X/656/1/012039.
3. V I Posmetev, V O Nikonov and V V Posmetev Computer Simulation of the Recuperative Towing Coupler of a Forest Truck with a Trailer // Lesnoy Zhurnal (Russian forestry journal), 2019, № 4. - pp. 108-123.
4. Nikonov, V. O. Rekuperaciya gidravlicheskoy energii v tyagovo-scepnom ustroystve lesovoznogo avtomobilya s pricepom / V. O. Nikonov, V. I. Posmet'ev, K. A. Yakovlev // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. - 2018. - № 4. - S. 230-239.
5. Posmet'ev, V. I. Perspektivnaya konstrukciya rekuperativnogo sedel'no-scepnogo ustroystva lesovoznogo tyagacha s polupricepom / V. I. Posmet'ev, V. O. Nikonov, V. V. Po-smet'ev // Lesotehnicheskiy zhurnal. - 2019. - № 3 - S. 180-192.
6. Patent na izobretenie № 2713755 RF, MPK B60D 1/14. Pruzhinno-gidravlicheskoe tyagovo-scepnoe ustroystvo avtopoezda / V. I. Posmet'ev, V. O. Nikonov, V. V. Posmet'ev, M. A. Malyukova ; zayavitel' FGBOU VO VGLTU imeni G. F. Morozova. - № 2019114304 ; zayavl. 07.05.2019 ; opubl. 07.02.2020.
7. Patent na izobretenie № 2729005 RF, MPK B60D 1/14, B60D 1/145, B60D 1/155. Pnevmo-gidravlicheskoe tyagovo-scepnoe ustroystvo avtopoezda / V. I. Posmet'ev, V. O. Nikonov, V. V. Posmet'ev ; zayavitel' FGBOU VO VGLTU imeni G. F. Morozova. - № 2019144210 ; zayavl. 24.12.2019 ; opubl. 03.08.2020.