Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
The work shows the place of sparsely wooded areas in the Russian economy. The historical aspect of the formation of modern problems of sparsely wooded regions is noted. A discussion of the specific features of the forest sector in sparsely wooded regions is carried out. The balance and complexity of the use of forest resources and the system of public ideas about the economic values of forests are interconnected. The opportunities created by the public form of ownership of forest lands are noted. A typical sparsely wooded region, the Kursk region, has been investigated. The key factors and problems existing in the field of interaction between government and business are formulated, and some tendencies are explicated that will need to be taken into account when developing directions for improving this interaction to ensure sustainable development of the forest sector of the Kursk region.
forest sector, sparsely wooded region, economic value of forests, integrated use, sustainable development, directions of development
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