Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Despite the fact that the study of the civil war was the most important area of interest for Soviet historical science, the causes of the civil war in the Black Earth region were insufficiently understood. The main provisions on the causes of the war were formulated as early as the 1920s-1930s and did not develop further. The content of the civil confrontation in the Black Earth region was considered the class struggle against the kulaks, who found political and military-organizational support from the Socialist-Revolutionaries of all shades, the Mensheviks, as well as officers and non-commissioned officers who spoke out in defense of their land ownership and against the food policy of the Soviet government. At the same time, the position that the internal war, due to local, regional reasons, in the Black Earth region began only in 1920-1921 also turned out to be unreflected.

history of the Central Black Earth region, civil war, causes of the civil war, Soviet historiography

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