«Aggression» – absorbing all the most destructive things in human activity – is the most important problem of the philosophy and theory of technogenic civilization generated by intensive scientific and technological development. The perspective of the theory of technogenic civilization requires the broadest definition of «aggression». There are three areas of technogenic actualization of the problems of aggression: universal, social, individual. In social terms, special attention is drawn to the transition from a unipolar to a multipolar world, which increases the risks of various disasters and reduces the chances of democracy. On an individual plan, the problems of virtual aggression are becoming more acute and the position of eugenics is becoming stronger. The actualization of the topic of aggression in the theory of technogenic civilization once again emphasizes the need to develop the practice of post-technogenic civilization.
aggression, violence, technogenic civilization, man, posthuman, unipolar world, multipolar world, virtual reality, biotechnology, post-technogenic civilization
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