Russian Federation
UDK 378.14 Организация учебной работы
The article analyzes the problems of methodological construction of the ontological and ontic framework of the phenomenon of existential terrorism in the context of possible changes in the subordination and institutional potential of modern Russian society. The agenda includes the state of affairs in the modern educational environment in the aspect of its dynamic transformation towards the digitalization of the educational process and the associated possible loss on the part of teachers and students of their own individuality. This question is explicated in the paradigmatic orientation of the Marxist approach in relation to the loss of a person's true self and in the paradigmatic orientation of the neo-Freudian approach in relation to the ability of a person to carry out collective cooperation in the professional sphere. Terminologically, the article is made possible in the conditions of dialectical identifications of Platonism and Hegelianism, while the question of the correlation of the level of existential freedom, the ontic orientation of fear and the extroversion of existential terrorization is explicated in the theoretical generalizations of J. Bataille, J. Deleuze and J. Baudrillard.
alienation, informational violence, social violence, Aufheben, dehumanization, denial of philosophy, verification tools, subjectivity, algorithmic sequences
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