Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article provides examples of using a model of working with students when studying a foreign language at an agricultural university through the use of a model of professionally oriented training. An analysis of employers' requirements for the level of knowledge and competencies of future specialists is provided. Examples of material selection and individualization of the educational process are revealed, taking into account the direction of preparation of each individual group. Theoretical foundations are considered that reveal the importance of the transition to learning a foreign language within the specifics of the chosen profession. The analytical component in the article characterizes the main problems of students at a non-linguistic university studying a foreign language. An example of the organization of educational activities is given that promotes the formation of professional and business communication skills through the use of modeling communicative situations, taking into account the future professional activities of students.
agricultural university, professionally oriented education, foreign language, language competencies, competition, educational objectives
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