Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article explores the importance of cultural dimensions and their impact on human behavior in various types of society. The differences in culture, values and norms that shape the behavior of people in different countries and socio-cultural environments are analyzed. The results of the work will help to better understand the diversity of cultures and adapt strategies for interacting with people from different cultural environments, which contributes to the creation of more successful and adapted products and services.

culture, society, power distance, individualism, collectivism, masculinity, femininity

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2. BMW.com. – URL: https://www.bmw.com (data obrascheniya: 13.02.2024).

3. Azubi.saarland.ru. – URL: https://azubi.saarland.ru (data obrascheniya: 17.02.2024).

4. Gov.pl. – URL: https:// gov.pl (data obrascheniya: 17.02.2024).

5. Lajourneedelafemmedigitale.fr. – URL: https:// lajourneedelafemmedigitale.fr (data obrascheniya: 18.02.2024).

6. Behance.net. – URL: https:// behance.net (data obrascheniya: 18.02.2024).

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