Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work provides methodological recommendations for developing in the younger generation a sense of respect for natural resources through the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the world around them. Using the example of a forest ecosystem, the formation of an ecological culture in a developing personality is examined through the means of artistic art. Every teacher, no matter what discipline he teaches, must find his place in the difficult but noble work of instilling in students a love of nature, the forest and its inhabitants. This work cannot be sporadic, from case to case, it must represent a deeply thought-out comprehensive system of environmental and aesthetic education of schoolchildren in the context of each discipline, class, school, including both the educational process at school and extracurricular activities. Its coordination should be carried out by the school methodological council, headed by a teacher who is an ardent enthusiast for nature conservation, who knows and loves the forest. Extracurricular activities can take the following forms: holding lectures and conversations about the forest with the obligatory demonstration of presentations and videos showing its beauty; holding thematic evenings dedicated to the work of famous masters of the brush, who captured uniquely beautiful images of the forest on their canvases, listening to musical and literary works about the forest; conducting thematic excursions and exhibitions.

environmental education; ecological culture; means of environmental education and enlightenment

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