Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Together, these platforms allow organizations to share content and interact closely with each dealer. In other words, platforms Social media can enable organizations to enhance their communication competence by promoting staff experience and encouraging participation through these innovative technologies. Thus, we can conclude that Woodmarkt has good financial and performance indicators, with few exceptions that do not have a significant impact on production. Competent marketing strategy « b2b » allows to solve many topical problems and attracts more customers, forming a more loyal attitude among the constant and stimulate sales growth. It also offers many advantages over local competitors, but federal and international brands can be more competitive. On the basis of the conclusions it is necessary to develop an exit strategy for furniture company "Woodmarkt " on the foreign market. The competitive advantage of Woodmarkt among the majority of furniture companies is the existence of a single information space, which is able to store up-to-date information about the requests made by customers, quickly form these requests for the production process and in real time compile reports on the status of application readiness.
furniture, competitive environment, market, marketing costs, marketing
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