Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Data on the phytomass of undergrowth growing under the canopy of highly productive spruce forests are presented. The object of the study is the young generation of forestforming species growing under the canopy of spruce forests in northwestern Russia. The species composition of the undergrowth, abundance and height structure were determined on circular registration sites with a ra-dius of 1.785 m. The phytomass of the undergrowth was established by weighing model specimens. 3 plants from each selected height group were selected as models. The gradation of the undergrowth in height is after 30 cm. As part of the undergrowth under the canopy of spruce forests, 6 species were identified. Spruce prevails. The average height is from 44 cm to 111 cm. The total number of undergrowth in the experimental plots is 970-2732 copies/ha. The carbon reserves deposited in the reserve range from 0.191 to 1.202 t/ha.

North-west of Russia, forest ecosystem, spruce forest, undergrowth, phytomass, carbon reserves

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