Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Quantitative data on the influence of spruce, pine and birch trees on the undergrowth of spruce trees growing under the canopy of stands are presented. The object of the study is the spruce forests of the acidic forest type. The condition of the spruce undergrowth, its height and age were assessed within a radius of up to 6 m from the tree trunk. It was found that spruce undergrowth grows most successfully under birch crowns - the average height of the undergrowth is greater than that of the undergrowth under the crowns of spruce, and the average age is less. It is shown that in a radius of about 1 m from the trunk, viable undergrowth under the crowns of spruce trees is represented by single individuals, and the proportion of dry undergrowth is maximal. The direct influence of the distance between the tree and the teenager on the viability of the younger generation of spruce is noted.

Leningrad region, sour spruce forest, stand, undergrowth, competition

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