In order to properly organize the functioning of route No. 35, it is necessary to constantly conduct research on existing passenger flows and analyze the technical and operational indicators of the buses used. Passenger flows are characterized by irregularities in time of day and depend on the needs of the population of Volgograd in moving to work, study, medical institutions, shopping malls and other centers of gravity. The transportation capacity of the buses produced on the line should correspond to the emerging passenger flows.The conducted research included: studying bus traffic patterns along the route in the forward and reverse directions; determining the actual distances between stopping points; calculating the characteristics of the regularity of the distribution of bus downtime at intermediate stops of route No. 35; determining the actual time of the route by days of the week; determining the number of buses on the route and intervals between They are calculated by the hours of the day and days of the week with the calculation of the average values of the indicators. The article suggests promising ways to develop the route network of urban passenger transport in Volgograd.
technical and operational indicators, passenger transportation, operation of motorways, route No. 35, average hourly traffic interval, stopping points
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