Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
from 01.01.1923 until now Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
This article presents the green cuttings rooting results of the genus Juniperus, L. representatives, harvested and planted in a nursery in the Voronezh region in the summer. In the experiment, such varieties as: Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet', Juniperus media ‘Pfitzeriana Aurea’ and Juniperus horizontalis ‘Prince of Wales' were used. During rooting, the cuttings were treated with stimulants "Kornevin" and "Maxifol Rutpharm". In this experiment, the method of green cuttings was used, as it is an effective method of vegetative reproduction for hard-to-root varieties, including coniferous introducers that are popular in the landscaping. At the same time, the qualities of the mother plant are completely transmitted to the offspring. After statistical processing of the data, the results of rooting were analyzed and compared with each other. The best results were achieved with the use of the root formation stimulator "Kornevin" for all experimental varieties. Also, in the variant with Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet', the use of "Kornevin" contributed to the growth of roots in length, which is reliable when compared with the control. The stimulator "Maxifol Rutfarm" did not show the desired effect when rooting – in most cases, the indicators were lower than the control ones.
vegetative reproduction, cuttings, green cuttings, Juniperus squamata 'Blue Carpet', Juniperus media ‘Pfitzeriana Aurea’, Juniperus horizontalis ‘Prince of Wales'
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