Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The analysis of literary sources is carried out. A new lifting mechanism of the hydraulic manipulator with the connection of a damper to reduce dynamic loads is proposed. A mathematical model of the hydraulic manipulator workflow has been developed and solved. Experimental studies of the dynamics of the manipulator hydraulic drive were carried out, the results of which confirmed the adequacy of the mathematical model.

forestry machine; hydraulic manipulator; boom lifting mechanism; mathematical model, damper

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2. Gidromanipulyatory i lesnoe tehnologicheskoe oborudovanie: monografiya / pod red. I.M. Barteneva. – M.: FLINTA: Nauka, 2011. – 408 s.

3. Gidroprivod gruzopod'emnogo mehanizma lesnogo manipulyatora: patent na izobretenie RU 2789167 S1. Zayavka №2022119768 / Popikov P.I., Chernyh A.S., Bogdanov D.S., Popikov S.K., Pozdnyakov E.V., Popikova A.V.; zayavl. 19.07.2022; opubl. 30.01.2023, Byul. №4. 9 s.

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