Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the substantiation of the optimal scheme for the development of felling areas according to the degree of preservation of undergrowth. For this, three options were explored. The first method involves the laying of apiary trails, followed by the development of half-incisions with ribbons of a certain width, starting from the nearest to the apiary trail. In the second method of apiary development, the laying of apiary trails is not assumed and the felling of trees occurs inside the plantation on a belt of a certain width located perpendicular to the main trail. The third method of apiary development, proposed for comparison, involves the use of technological sighting devices at an angle to the main and apiary technological corridor. To compare the indicated methods of performing processing operations in apiaries, analytical expressions were obtained to determine technological areas and a calculation of all their components was performed.
logging operations, damage to undergrowth, scheme and parameters of apiary development
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