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Abstract (English):
The intensive development of agriculture in the Voronezh Region has led to serious negative changes in the soil condition. There was a decrease in the content of humus and mineral substances. More than 350 thousand hectares of the region’s soils have a low content of humus and, as a result, organic matter (s) available for decomposition. Among the methods of soil restoration, soil improvers are gaining popularity. These are, as a rule, compost, various organic fillers, bio-coal. The latter are considered promising meliorants of natural origin. The processing of waste from the timber industry and sewage sludge into bio-coal is proposed. Its influence on the water permeability of leached chernozem is studied. The positive effect of biochar on the filtration properties of the soil has been established. The filtration rate after applying the biochar increased by 2.5-4 times compared to the control. The maximum water permeability was observed at a biochar concentration of 20 -30% to the soil mass. It is established that the amount of moisture that has passed through the soil depends on the dose of the introduced biochar. The addition of biochar in the amount of 5, 10, 20 and 30% led to a significant increase in the filtration qualities of the soil, compared with the control. The tendency of the ability of biochar to improve the water-physical properties of the soil is revealed.

biochar, waste of the gum complex, sewage sludge, soil filtration
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